"(Here are) 13 new Newstastics to share with that someone special - or whoever happens to dance in the translucent plexiglass box that costs just a quarter to view for 10 minutes..."
love stinks! albert lea farmer create manure valentine
US soldier allegedly waterboarding daughter, 4, for failing to recite ABCs
sinatra song often strikes deadly chord
afghan men struggle with sexual identity
advocates of climate bill scale down their goals
vomit cannon to protect vessels from pirates, paparazzi
U.S. rifle scopes in iraq and afghanistan feature bible verse citations
california man shoots his way out of sinking SUV
cruise ships still find a haitian berth
for $65, tourists get peek at los angeles gangland
haiti's 'pact with the devil' myth
guatemalan lawyer arranged own slaying, U.N. panel says
heroin for dummies
photo copyright © 2010 Wyatt Doyle