September 18 saw the Alex Film Society host a salute to Lon Chaney at Glendale's Alex Theatre, with a special screening of The Penalty (1920). Featuring a new score written and performed live by Daniel Redfield, talks by both Chaney historian Michael F. Blake and co-star Claire Adams' biographer Heather Robinson Long, and original Chaney memorabilia (on loan from the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County) displayed in the theater lobby.An excerpt spotlighting Lon Chaney's intensely physical performance as the legless crime boss Blizzard in
The Penalty.

Inside the lovely Alex Theatre.

One of Chaney's makeup cases.

Original handbill (from the Loew's Colonial of Reading, PA!) heralding the film.

Chaney's wig and spectacles from
The Unholy Three (1930)

Studio cost report for a week's shoot on
The Penalty.

Chaney's costume, crutches and leg braces from
The Penalty.
With gratitude to the Alex Film Society of Glendale, © 2011 Wyatt Doyle