Monday, February 15, 2016

Preview 60+ Pages of A HANDFUL OF HELL!

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Preview over sixty action-packed pages from A Handful of Hell! This latest full-color release from the Men's Adventure Library collects the finest stories of conflict and adventure by Robert F. Dorr originally published in men's adventure pulps of the 1960s and '70s.

 From Wyatt Doyle, the book's co-editor (with Robert Deis) and designer:

 “Dorr communicates his characters' fears, their uncertainty, and the terrible losses fighting men suffer in deeply human terms, putting readers not only in the scene, in the moment, but inside these men's thoughts. His accounts of these heroes drive the point home time and time again that these are not warriors, gladiators, or super-humans. These are our brothers, our buddies; they are us. It's a powerful sentiment, and one that can't be expressed enough. Reading these stories today, they have lost none of their potency.”

Read more about author Dorr and his remarkable life in this profile by Kevin Knodell.

 A Handful of Hell is available now as a 304-page trade paperback and as a limited edition hardcover with alternate cover art and 40 additional pages of material. An ebook edition is forthcoming.